Tcptrace command

	Tcptrace - analyzes and inspect network packets and generates gnu plots

Output format options
  -b      brief output format
  -l      long output format
  -r      print rtt statistics (slower for large files)
  -W      report on estimated congestion window (not generally useful)
  -q      no output (if you just want modules output)
Graphing options
  -T      create throughput graph[s], (average over 10 segments, see -A)
  -R      create rtt sample graph[s]
  -S      create time sequence graph[s]
  -N      create cwin graph[s] (data on _N_etwork)
  -F      create segsize graph[s]
  -G      create ALL graphs
Output format detail options
  -D      print in decimal
  -X      print in hexidecimal
  -n      don't resolve host or service names (much faster)
  -s      use short names (list "" as just "picard")
Connection filtering options
  -iN     ignore connection N (can use multiple times)
  -oN[-M] only connection N (or N through M).  Arg can be used many times.
          In N is a file rather than a number, read list from file instead.
  -c      ignore non-complete connections (didn't see syn's and fin's)
  -BN     first segment number to analyze (default 1)
  -EN     last segment number to analyze (default last in file)
Graphing detail options
  -C      produce color plot[s]
  -M      produce monochrome (b/w) plot[s]
  -AN     Average N segments for throughput graphs, default is 10
  -z      zero axis options
    -z      plot time axis from 0 rather than wall clock time (backward compat)
    -zx     plot time axis from 0 rather than wall clock time
    -zy     plot sequence numbers from 0 (time sequence graphs only)
    -zxy    plot both axes from 0
  -y      omit the (yellow) instantaneous throughput points in tput graph
Misc options
  -Z      dump raw rtt sample times to file[s]
  -p      print all packet contents (can be very long)
  -P      print packet contents for selected connections
  -t      'tick' off the packet numbers as a progress indication
  -fEXPR  output filtering (see -hfilter)
  -v      print version information and exit
  -w      print various warning messages
  -d      whistle while you work (enable debug, use -d -d for more output)
  -e      extract contents of each TCP stream into file
  -h      print help messages
  -u      perform (minimal) UDP analysis too
  -Ofile  dump matched packets to tcpdump file 'file'
  +[v]    reverse the setting of the -[v] flag (for booleans)
Dump File Names
  Anything else in the arguments is taken to be one or more filenames.
  The files can be compressed, see compress.h for configuration.
  If the dump file name is 'stdin', then we read from standard input
    rather than from a file

Extended boolean options, mostly for graphing options
 (unambiguous prefixes also work)
  --showsacks            show SACK blocks on time sequence graphs (default)
  --noshowsacks          DON'T show SACK blocks on time sequence graphs 
  --showrexmit           mark retransmits on time sequence graphs (default)
  --noshowrexmit         DON'T mark retransmits on time sequence graphs 
  --showoutorder         mark out-of-order on time sequence graphs (default)
  --noshowoutorder       DON'T mark out-of-order on time sequence graphs 
  --showzerowindow       mark zero windows on time sequence graphs (default)
  --noshowzerowindow     DON'T mark zero windows on time sequence graphs 
  --showrttdongles       mark non-RTT-generating ACKs with special symbols 
  --noshowrttdongles     DON'T mark non-RTT-generating ACKs with special symbols (default)
  --showdupack3          mark triple dupacks on time sequence graphs (default)
  --noshowdupack3        DON'T mark triple dupacks on time sequence graphs 
  --showzerolensegs      show zero length packets on time sequence graphs (default)
  --noshowzerolensegs    DON'T show zero length packets on time sequence graphs 
  --showtitle            show title on the graphs (default)
  --noshowtitle          DON'T show title on the graphs 
  --res_addr             resolve IP addresses into names (may be slow) (default)
  --nores_addr           DON'T resolve IP addresses into names (may be slow) 
  --res_port             resolve port numbers into names (default)
  --nores_port           DON'T resolve port numbers into names 
  --checksum             verify IP and TCP checksums 
  --nochecksum           DON'T verify IP and TCP checksums (default)
  --dupack3_data         count a duplicate ACK carrying data as a triple dupack 
  --nodupack3_data       DON'T count a duplicate ACK carrying data as a triple dupack (default)
  --warn_ooo             print warnings when packets timestamps are out of order 
  --nowarn_ooo           DON'T print warnings when packets timestamps are out of order (default)
  --warn_printtrunc      print warnings when packets are too short to analyze 
  --nowarn_printtrunc    DON'T print warnings when packets are too short to analyze (default)
  --warn_printbadmbz     print warnings when MustBeZero TCP fields are NOT 0 
  --nowarn_printbadmbz   DON'T print warnings when MustBeZero TCP fields are NOT 0 (default)
  --warn_printhwdups     print warnings for hardware duplicates 
  --nowarn_printhwdups   DON'T print warnings for hardware duplicates (default)
  --warn_printbadcsum    print warnings when packets with bad checksums 
  --nowarn_printbadcsum  DON'T print warnings when packets with bad checksums (default)
  --warn_printbad_syn_fin_seq print warnings when SYNs or FINs rexmitted with different sequence numbers 
  --nowarn_printbad_syn_fin_seq DON'T print warnings when SYNs or FINs rexmitted with different sequence numbers (default)
  --dump_packet_data     print all packets AND dump the TCP/UDP data 
  --nodump_packet_data   DON'T print all packets AND dump the TCP/UDP data (default)