| Dissertation Title
| Advisor
| Current affiliation
June 2002 through May 2003 |
Jiang, Wenyu
| Schulzrinne
| Columbia University
Gomez-Castellanos, Javier |
Routing and Control Mechanisms for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks |
Campbell |
National University of Mexico |
Liao, Raymond R.-F. |
Bandwidth Management for Internet and its Wireless Extensions
| Campbell |
Siemens |
June 2001 through May 2002
Nandikesan, Mahesan |
On the Foundation of Network Programability |
Lazar |
Pan, Ping |
Scalable Resource Reservation Signaling in the Internet |
Schulzrinne |
Ciena Networks |
Papadopouli, Maria |
Resource Sharing in Mobile Wireless Networks |
Schulzrinne |
Univ. of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill |
June 2000 through May 2001 |
Rosenberg, Jonathan |
Distributed Algorithms and Protocols for Scalable Internet Telephony |
Schulzrinne |
dynamicsoft (Chief Scientist) |
Wang, Xin |
Scalable Network Architectures and Measurements for Multicast and
Adaptive QoS |
Schulzrinne |
Bell Labs |
June 1999 through May 2000 |
Valko, Andras G.
Design and Analysis of Cellular Mobile Data Networks
| Campbell
| Ericsson Research
Aurrecoechea, Cristina
| Modeling Service Management for Programmable Architectures
| Lazar
Bocheck, Paul
| Content-Based Video Communication: Methodology and Application
| Meadows and Chang
Bouillet, Eric
| Designing Multipoint Logically Switched Optical Networks
| Stern
Huard, Jean-Francois
| A Programmable Architecture for Object-to-Object Communications
with Quality-of-Service Guarantees
| Lazar
| Netuitive, The QoS Group, LLC (part time)
June 1998 through May 1999
Antoniades, Neophytos
| Determining and Extending the Reach of Multiwavelength Optical Networks
| Stern
Ellinas, Georgios
| Fault Restoration in Optical Networks:General Methodology and Implementation
| Stern
Epstein, Bracha
| Resource Allocation Algorithms for Multi-Class Wireless Networks
| Schwartz
Jacobs, Steven
| Media and Protocols for Multimedia Communication of Disparate Networks
| Eleftheriadis
Semret, Nemo
| Market Mechanisms for Network Resource Sharing
| Lazar
| Invisible Hand Networks, Inc
Huang, Huayan ("Amy")
| Wired/Wireless Networks - Multicast Flow and Congestion Control Over Combined
| Schwartz
| Symbol Technologies
June 1997 through May 1998
Chan, Mun Choon
| Architecting the Control Infrastructure of Multimedia Networks
| Lazar
| Bell Labs
Zamora, Javier
| Video-On-Demand Systems and Broadband Networks: Quality of Services Issues
| Anastassiou
June 1996 through May 1997
Jelenkovic, Predrag R.
| The Effect of Multiple Time Scales and Subexponentiality on the
Behavior of Broadband Network Multiplexer
| Lazar
| Columbia University
Katzela, Irene
| Fault Diagnosis in Telecommunication Networks
| Schwartz
| Lucent (Toronto)
Sairamush, Jakka
| Economic Paradigm for Information Systems and Networks
| Yemini
June 1995 through May 1996
Aneroussis, Nikolaos G.
| Managing Virtual Circuit and Virtual Path Services on ATM
Networks with Quality of Service Guarantees
| Lazar
Chang, Paul
| A Connection-Oriented Work-Conserving Packet Scheduling Architecture
| Lazar
Eleftheriadis, Alexandros
| Dynamic Rate Shaping of Compressed Digital Video
| Anastassiou
| Columbia University
Jagannath, Shantigram
| Scalable Architecture for Optical Networks
| Acampora
Korilis, Ioannis A.
| Architecting Non-Cooperative Networks
| Lazar
| Dept. of
Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania (professor)
Pejhan, Sassan
| Protocols for Multipoint, Multimedia Communications
| Anastassiou
Pendarakis, Dimitrios E.
| On the Trade-off between Transport and Signalling in Broadband
| Lazar
| Tellium
Ryu, Bong
| Modeling, Analysis, Generation and Implications of Fractal Traffic in High-Speed Networks
| Meadows
Yen, Chinching
| Text Recognition in the Framework of Hidden Markov Models
| Meadows
June 1994 through May 1995
Bogdan, Alexandru
| Image coding Using Iterative Transformations with Applications to Image
| Meadows
Jiang, Song
| Lightwave Network Design:the Optical Multicast Approach
| Stern
Jiang, Wey-Wen
| A System for Intelligent Document Image Analysis, Recognition and Storage
| Meadows
Matragi, Wassim
| Jitter Analysis in ATM Networks
| Stern
Naghshineh, Mamoud
| Distributed Control of Wireless/Mobile Networks
| Acampora
| IBM T. J. Watson
Nguyen, Mai-huong
| A Conference Control and Management Protocol
| Schwartz
| Lucent
Shi, Hong
| Design, Analysis and Optiization of Broadband ATM Switches Implemented in VLSI
| Wing
Shroff, Ness
| Traffic Modeling and Analysis in High Speed ATM Networks
| Schwartz
| Associate Professor, School of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Purdue
June 1993 through May 1994
Chen, Dan
| Modeling of Erbium-doped Fiber Amplifiers and Their Applications
| Teich
Elby, Stuart
| A Distributed Wavelength-based Cell Switching Optical Multiple Access Network Architecture
| Acampora
Hyman, Jay M.
| Real-Time Scheduling and Admission Control in Broadband Networks
| Lazar
| Lehman Brothers, Tel Aviv.
Kelekar, Samir
| Formal Language Theoretic Techniques to Solve Design and Fault Management Problems in Computer Network Protocal and Other Discrete Event Systems
| Hart
Rouvellou, Isabelle
| Graph Identification Techniques Applied to Network Management
| Hart
| IBM Research
Seidman, David
| Routing and Reconfiguration Algorithms for Link Load Balancing in Multihop Networks
| Acampora
Skelly, Paul A.
| Characterization and Control of Variable Bit Rate Video in Broadban Networks
| Schwartz
| iBasis,
formerly GTE
Wang, Clark
| Fault Detection and Localization in Communication Networks
| Schwartz
June 1992 through May 1993
Bala, Krishna
| Routing in Linear Lightwave Networks
| Stern
| Tellium
Douglas, Christopher
| Interactive Digital Video Communication in a Cell Based Environment
| Stern
Fang, Chien
| On High Performance Switching Architectures
| Szymanski
Garrett, Mark
| Contributions Toward Real Time Services on Packet Switched Networks
| Vetterli
| Telcordia
Khayata, Rana
| Broadband Wireless LANS: Propagation Measurements, Outage Analyses and Network Architectures
| Acampora
Ong, Lyndon
| Distributed Control of Broadband Multimedia Multipoint Services
| Schwartz
| Nortel (Bay Networks)
Pain, Bedabrata
| Low Noise CMOS Circuits for On-Chip Signal Processing in Focal Plane Arrays
| Stern
Sharony, Jacob
| Architectures of Dynamic Reconfigurable Wavelength Routing/Switching Networks
| Stern
June 1991 through May 1992
Amenyo, John-Thones
| Real-time Distributed Scheduling and Buffer Management for
Congestion Control in Broadband Networks
| Lazar
Elwalid, Anwar
| Markov-Modulated Rate Processes for Modeling, Analysis and Control of Communication Networks
| Stern
| Mathematics of Networks and Systems Department of the Mathematical
Sciences Research Center at Bell
Labs, Lucent Technologies
Gidron, Raphael
| Implementation and Adaptive Rearrangeability of a User Tunable ATM Lightwave Network
| Acampora
| Lucent
Labourdette, Jean-francois
| Logically Rearrangeable Lightwave Networks: Optimization Techniques for Local/Metropolitan Area Networks and Distributed ATM Switches
| Acampora
Laporta, Thomas
| A Feature-Rich Transport Protocol: Functionality and Performance
| Schwartz
| Bell Labs
Shah, Syed Ijlai Ali
| Design and Analysis of Very High Speed Optical Multi-hop Networks
| Acampora
Uz, Kamil
| Multiresolution Systems for Video
| Vetterli
June 1990 through May 1991
Kannurpatti, Raghavan
| Sample Path Analysis of Non-Stationary Processes: Queueing Applications
| Mazumdar
Lee, Duan-Shin
| Transient Queueing Analysis and Performance of Packet Video Systems
| Meadows
| Associate Professor, Dept. of
Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
Lee, Myung Jong
| The Performance Study of a Fast Packet Switch Under Non-Uniform
| Department of
Electrical Engineering City College and Graduate School, City
University of New York
Mazumdar, Subrata
| Knowledge-Based Monitoring of Integrated Networks for Performance
| Lazar
| Avaya
Ye, Jing Dong
| Analysis of Multimedia Traffic Queues with Finite Buffer and Overload Control - The Folding Algorithm
| Lazar
| June 1989 through May 1990
Bouloutas, Anastasio
| Fault Management in Communications Networks
| Schwartz, Hart
| Bank of Boston
Chen, Jeane Shu-Chun
| Modeling and Performance Evaluations of Fast Packet Switches
| Stern
Douligeris, Christos
| Game Theoretic Approaches to Flow Control
| Mazumdar
| Dept.
of Informatics, University of Piraeus
Ferrandiz, Josep M.
| Point Processes in Modeling, Analysis and Control of Intergrated
| Lazar
| Sun Microsystems
Ghani, Sayeed
| Decomposition Approximation for the Analysis ofIntegrated Networks
| Schwartz
| New Corenetwork
Shaikh, Salman
| Analysis and Design of Broadband Packet Switching Architectures for Integrated Traffic
| Schwartz/Szymanski
| Bell Labs
Wong, Liang-Neng
| Flow and Access Control in Metropolitan Area Networks
| Schwartz
| June 1988 through May 1989
Bovopoulos, Andreas D.
| Resource Allocation Algorithms for Packet Switched Networks
| Lazar
Brunner, Ted
| A Packet Telephone Service Analysis Simulation and Implementation
| Stern
Chang, Cheng-Shang
| Comparison Theorems for Queueing Systems and Their Applications to
| Pinedo, Schwartz
| National Tsing Hua
University, Taiwan
Chen, Wai
| Access Scheduling of Data and Voice Traffic on Broadcast Bus
Local Area Networks
| Schwartz
| Telcordia
Goldstein, Evan
| Interferometric Noise in Optical Communication Systems
| Teich
Karlsson, Gunnar
| Subband Coding for Packet Video
| Vetterli
| Department of Teleinformatics,
KTH (professor)
Perrier, Philippe
| Time Domain Optical Control of Self Routing Photonic Switches
| Teich
Silverman, Burt
| Implementation, Measurement and Analysis of Access Control
Strategies for Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDN)
| Schwartz
Yin, Nanying
| Voice Congestion Control in Integrated Packet-switched Voice/data
| Stern
| June 1987 through May 1988
El-Zarki, Magda
| MAGNET: Its Adaptive Integrated Local Area Network
| Lazar
| UC Irvine (professor)
Monderer, Benjamin
| Exploring the Space-Time Structure at the Output of a Cochlear
| Lazar
Iliadis, Ilias
| Sequencing, Control & Analysis in Computer Networks
| Lazar
June 1986 through May 1987
Hsiao, Man-Tung Tony
| Optimal Decentralized Flow Control in Computer Communication
| Lazar
June 1985 through May 1986
Sumitra Ganguly
| Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Multiplexed Packet Voice
and Data
| Stern
June 1984 through May 1985
Kurose, James F.
| Time-constrained communication in multiple access networks
| Schwartz, Yemini
| UMass, Amherst
Vakil, Faramak
| Dynamic Optimal Flow Control in Integrated Services
Digital Networks
| Lazar
| Telcordia
June 1983 through May 1984
June 1982 through May 1983
June 1981 through May 1982
Ahmadi, Hamid
| A new Satellite Multiple Access Technique Using Combined Fixed
and Demand Assignments
| Stern
| AT&T Labs
Gopal, Inder
| Scheduling Algorithms for Multi-Beam Communication Satellites
| Stern
| Reefedge
Yum Tak-shing, Peter
| Schwartz
| Dept. of
Information Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Unknown Dates
Eng, Kai
| Stern
| Village Networks
| |