Network Processors: Memory - Processor Tradeoffs MARK FRANKLIN Urbauer Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Washington University St. Louis ABSTRACT: To adapt to new protocols, services, standards and network applications, many modern routers are equipped with general purpose processing capabilities (i.e., NETWORK PROCESSORS) to handle packet traffic primarily in software rather than in dedicated hardware. This talk is aimed at examining certain tradeoffs associated with the design of a selected style of single chip network processor. To keep up with increasing line speeds, network processors often contain a group of parallel processors, each with its own cache memory. Performance can be improved by increasing the number of processors per network processor chip (increasing overall processing capabilities), or by increasing the cache size associated with each processor (decreasing memory access faults). Chip area constraints however result in the presence of a tradeoff between number of processors and the size of cache memory. This tradeoff and selection of the optimal design point is considered using a combination of analytic models and benchmarking results. A benchmark, COMMBENCH, which has been designed to reflect the type of load encounter by a network processor will be presented. If time permits, an interesting issue associated with scheduling packets on such processors will also be discussed.