Current Visitors
- Geoff Coulson (Lancaster University)
- Petri Koskelainen (Nokia)
- Internet telephony
- Gonzalez Camarillo (Ericsson)
- Internet telephony
- Paulo Mendes
- Adaptive multimedia services
- Kentarou Sawada
- Mobile IP Related Issues (Fujitsu, Japan)
- Andras Veres (Ericsson, Hungary)
- TCP/IP traffic models, QoS in wireless packet networks
Past Visitors
- Kalle Widdell
- Signaling and event notification (August 2000 - February 2001)
- Huma Jafry
- Internet telephony services (summer 2000)
- Andreas Rosblom,
Uppsala University
- Scalable resource reservation (1999-2000)
- Sven Ubik
- Internet telephony software (January 2000 - June 2000)
- Jianqi Yin
- Internet telephony hardware (1997-1999, now at Mitel)
- Tony Eyers, University of Wollongong
- Internet telephony signaling performance (Summer 1999)
- Elin Wedlund
- Internet telephony (1999, now at
Last updated
by Henning Schulzrinne