**** Columbia Network Research Group Seminar **** Title: Some Observations on Equation-Based Rate Control Speaker: Milan Vojnovic EPFL & Lucent When: Wednesday, September 19, 2001 - 2 pm Where: Interschool Lab Seventh Floor, CEPSR building Columbia University Host: Prof. H. Schulzrinne ABSTRACT We consider a general problem of unicast equation-based rate control in the Internet, which we formulate as follows. When a so called "loss-event" occurs, a data source updates its sending rate by setting it to f(p_n), where p_n is an estimate of p, the long-run loss event ratio. Function f (the target loss-throughput function) defines the objective of the control method: we would like that the throughput x, attained by the source, satisfies the equation x<=f(p). If so, we say that the control is conservative. In the Internet, function f is obtained by analyzing the throughput versus loss-event ratio for a real TCP source. A non-TCP source that implements a control system as we describe is said to be TCP-friendly if the control is conservative. Our main finding are two sufficient conditions under which the control is provably conservative. As a by-product, we explain an empirically observed phenomena that the throughput deviates in the conservative direction as the loss-event ratio tends to be large. This is joint work with Jean-Yves Le Boudec.